Robert “Bobby” Young, a native Tennessean, cultivated his passion for investigations from a young age, inspired by his father’s work as a Special Agent with CSX Railroad Police. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Middle Tennessee State University, Robert joined the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) in 2007.
During his decade-long tenure at MNPD, Robert demonstrated versatility in various roles, including the patrol division, flex unit, crime suppression units, and the Drug Task Force. Committed to continuous improvement, he pursued extensive training, accumulating certifications in diverse areas such as narcotics investigations, tactical techniques, and emergency response.
As the founder of Covert Results, Robert leverages over two decades of experience to offer premier private investigation and security services. His commitment to child protection extends to Operation Rose, a nonprofit dedicated to combating human trafficking. Robert’s multifaceted expertise, complemented by a team of seasoned professionals, positions Covert Results as a trusted choice for security and investigations in Tennessee.
In recognition of his exemplary service, Robert has received numerous accolades, including the Top Gun Award, Chief’s Coin, and Commendation for service excellence, and the Donelson-Hermitage Chamber of Commerce Officer of the Year in 2011. His notable achievements also include being honored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for outstanding contributions in drug law enforcement. With over 500 years of combined experience, Robert and his team at Covert Results are dedicated to ensuring safety and delivering peace of mind to their clients.
Classes completed while in the MNPD Academy
✔ Firearms
✔ Emergency Medical Training
✔ Patrol Procedures
✔ Interpersonal Communications
✔ Professional and Ethical Conduct
✔ Physical Defense Techniques
✔ Criminal and Constitutional Law and Procedures
✔ Written Communications
✔ Human Relations
✔ Criminal Justice System
✔ Law Enforcement Stress
✔ Emergency Vehicle Operation
✔ National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course
✔ TIES/NCIC/NLETS Query Certification Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
✔ New Mexico Tech-Prevention & Response to suicide bombing training
✔ FEMA-National Incident Management System, Single Resources & Initial
✔ Action Incidents, and Introduction to the Incident Command System
✔ Patrol Officers Response to Street Drugs by RCTA in January 2010
✔ Introduction to Patrol Drug Investigation by MCTFT in June 2010
✔ Drug Identification in July 2010
✔ Introduction to Interview and Interrogation in July 2010
✔ Proactive Criminal Patrol by RCTA in October 2010
✔ Surveillance Operations by MCTFT in October 2010
✔ Informant Management by RCTA in November 2010
✔ Narcotics Investigations by TNOA in October 2011
✔ Investigating Drug Trafficking Organizations by LETA in May 2012
✔ Tactical Narcotics Techniques by LETA in June 2012
✔ Clandestine Laboratory Investigation and Certification in Sep. 2012
✔ TN Zero-No Tolerance for Crime involving Synthetics in Sep. 2012
✔ Narcotics Investigations by TNOA in November 2012
✔ Patrol Rifle Operator in March 2013
✔ HazMat Clandestine Labs in October 2013
✔ Narcotics Investigations by TNOA in November 2013
✔ DEA Basic Narcotics Investigator School in March 2014
✔ Narcotics Investigations by TNOA in November 2014
✔ LEOKA by the FBI in August 2015
✔ Flying while Armed in August 2015
✔ TBI certification to write Wiretaps in June 2016
✔ SIRCHIE “Safety when field testing narcotics” in July 2016
✔ MCTC, Methamphetamine Investigations in September 2016
✔ MNPD Supervisor Course in January 2017
✔ Community Policing in the 21st Century in August 2017
✔ Marijuana, Policing and the FOP in August 2017
✔ Pension and Windfall Elimination Provision in August 2017
✔ 22nd Annual Covert Ops Training Conference in August 2017
✔ Basic GPS Surveillance by Coverttrack in September 2017
✔ Introduction to Money Laundering by MCTFT in December 2017
✔ Surveillance Operations Overview V1 in January 2018
Who Are the Good Guys, and Who Are the Bad?
After Robert “Bobby” Young gets promoted to his dream detective job on Nashville’s Drug Task Force, he devotes his life to a complex wiretap case that leads to a historic cocaine haul. But chasing the “good line” and making record seizures doesn’t come without a price. When a rumor of leaked information threatens not only the case but his career and the very existence of the Drug Task Force, Robert encounters the reality of shifty alliances between powerful politicians. There are consequences for not playing their game, and Robert has to choose . . . which side is he on?
✔ Session 56 Academy, Top Gun Award March 2008
✔ Chiefs Coin & Commendation for service of excellence April 2008
✔ Chiefs Coin & Certificate Recognition MNPD Softball Sep. 2008
✔ Recognition letter for assisting in recruitment efforts June 2009
✔ Chiefs Coin & Commendation for service of excellence September 2009
✔ Chiefs Coin & Commendation for service of excellence July 2010
✔ Letter of commendation by AUSA Phillips August 2011
✔ Chiefs Coin & Commendation for service of excellence October 2011
✔ Donelson-Hermitage Chamber of Commerce Officer of the Year 2011
✔ Specialized Investigations Division-Investigator of the Month April 2013
✔ Award of Recognition TNOA April 2013
✔ Chiefs Coin & Commendation for service of excellence July 2013
✔ Honorable Recognition for service of excellence October 2013
✔ Award of Recognition TNOA December 2013
✔ Unit of the year award 2013
✔ Chiefs Coin & Commendation for service of excellence January 2014
✔ Award of Recognition TNOA December 2014
✔ ISB Investigator of the Month April 2015
✔ East Precinct Investigator of the Month February 2016
✔ Field Operations Bureau Investigator of the Month February 2016
✔ Award of Recognition TNOA February 2016
✔ Award of Recognition TNOA July 2016
✔ Letter of commendation by DA for organization of case July 2016
✔ East Precinct Investigator of the Month August 2016
✔ Field Operations Bureau Investigator of the Month August 2016
✔ East Precinct Investigator of the Month December 2016
✔ Field Operations Bureau Investigator of the Month December 2016
✔ Award of Recognition TNOA February 2017
✔ Award for Largest Heroin seizure in the State of TN (East CSU) 2017
✔ Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions in Drug Law Enforcement 2018