A skilled private investigator can easily manage a wide range of investigations. At Covert Results our private investigators have extensive training and decades of experience. Reasons for hiring a private investigator are endless but hiring an experienced investigator remains the most effective way to resolve a complex issue, all while saving time and money. Regardless of the complexity, the team at Covert Results will give full, undivided, and unbiased attention to each and every case.


A standard background check includes properties, vehicles, family members, associates, criminal history, social media names, addresses, etc. Comprehensive reports can also be customized if needing a more thorough investigation.


A case analysis or audit is a thorough, deep dive into the evidence that will be presented to a client. A licensed Private Investigator with Covert Results will fully examine all available evidence as well as investigate further leads in an effort to seek the truth. Once completed, a detailed report will be provided to the client with the findings.

✔ Audits
✔ Expert testimony
✔ State & Federal
✔ Discovery Review
✔ Civil & Criminal
✔ Title III/Wiretaps
✔ Preliminary review
✔ Trial Prep

Preliminary review: As an attorney, how often do you find yourself landing a case and then having to conduct a hearing by the end of the week? Hire Covert Results to work efficiently in gathering detailed files to assist you in preparing for your case. From the moment your client is arrested, to the date of the court hearing, we will investigate the charge to ensure you have the questions needed to adequately represent your client. Let Covert Results do your research, leaving you more time for your client.

Uncover the truth with our licensed private investigators. From criminal to civil cases or tracking individuals, our expert investigators have you covered. Your lead investigator will guide you to peace of mind.

Complex cases, such as a wiretaps, require hundreds or thousands of investigative hours even before the case begins. There are many moving parts of a complex investigation, and our professionals have extensive investigative experience in working all aspects of a case.

✔ Title III / Wire-taps
✔ Money Laundering
✔ Narcotics
✔ Courtroom Testimony
✔ Suspicious Deaths
✔ GPS Tracking
✔ White-Collar Crimes
✔ Phone Toll Analysis
✔ Overdose Deaths
✔ Financial Investigations

Seek Cover Results to meet your client’s needs and uncover facts to address your most difficult cases.

Amplify your scope, allowing for a deeper insight into your case: your lead investigator will run the operation, gather facts, assemble the team of investigators, collect and compile evidence from the team, upload evidence to a digital case file, and complete detailed reports.

✔ Asset Recovery
✔ Missing Persons
✔ Counter Surveillance
✔ Intelligence Gathering
✔ Undercover Investigations
✔ Locate Witnesses

The minimum team size for physical surveillance is two (2) Investigators (Covert Results has the authority to add investigators based on the operation). There will be a five (5) hour minimum for each requested day of surveillance. Additional investigators can be added at an additional rate.

Pricing starts for twenty (20) investigative hours where a high-definition camera with remote transmission capability is deployed on/at the target location or desired area and remains active 24/7. After the collection period, which may be weeks, the camera(s) will be recovered and data will be reviewed. All data will be stored and pertinent data placed in the client’s digital case file.

Remote camera surveillance cases can be customized per the client’s request.

All state and federal laws will apply.

This service is customized based on individual needs. All state and federal laws will apply to this type of surveillance. There are only a few instances where a GPS tracker can be applied legally.

Please CLICK HERE for more information on GPS tracking.

These are the issues that most will avoid, but they linger around, creating problems that will never go away.

✔ Adultery
✔ Infidelity
✔ Divorce
✔ Child Custody

Whether it’s following that cheating partner or helping a parent fight for what is right, Covert Results will assign a dedicated, hard-working and empathetic investigator to meet your clients needs.

With a meticulous approach, we sweep through your premises, utilizing advanced equipment to detect any signals, transmissions, or anomalies that could compromise your privacy. Industry Standard is Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TCSM) or also known as “bug-sweep”.

Unveil the hidden potential of your digital realm with us. This service is your key to unlocking vital data from devices. A minimum of 10 hours, we retrieve crucial insights, provided you have the device passcode. We utilize Cellebrite, the same software used by Local, State, and Federal Authorities.

The intricacies of expert testimony demands personalized attention. In preparation for court proceedings, we conduct a face-to-face meeting between you and our seasoned expert. With a minimum commitment of 4 hours, our expert testimony service is designed to deliver the clarity and confidence you need when it matters most.

Billed at one hundred dollars ($100) per hour for one licensed and experienced private investigator and drone pilot to develop a flight plan and execute an operation within state laws. This service is customized and will require tedious planning.

Here at Covert Results, our experienced investigators are trained to use proven interview techniques such as REID and PEACE to help you sort through the facts and determine the fiction from the non-fiction.

✔ Jail Interview
✔ Witness Interview
✔ Victim Interview
✔ Suspect Interrogation

Leave it to the experienced investigators of Covert Results who have conducted thousands of interviews to knock on doors, track those witnesses down, or visit the correctional facility to complete a thorough interview.

For subpoena service, we suggest reaching out to local authorities first. Should their efforts prove ineffective, we’re here to assist you. Our approach encompasses a comprehensive view, guaranteeing outcomes you can rely on.

Process servers are needed in an assortment of tasks, typically serving law firms or individuals with legal documents and document retrieval. The ultimate goal is to deliver or “serve” legal documents to an intended person involved in a court case.

✔ Writs
✔ Subpoenas
✔ Summons
✔ Complaints

After serving any legal documents, Process Servers at Covert Results will deliver proof that legal papers were properly served.

This is the biggest problem that Corporate America faces today. Every year businesses lose millions of dollars as a result of criminal acts. At Covert Results we have investigators with thousands of hours of surveillance experience and that can come in handy when following a thief or videotaping an employee cheating the system.

✔ Insurance
✔ Employee Theft
✔ Workers Comp
✔ Individual
✔ Corporate
✔ Fraud
✔ Loss Control
✔ Embezzlement
✔ Larceny
✔ Construction Security Assessments
✔ Commercial & Residential Construction Security

Our investigators, with decades of experience, are thorough in their research and ask pertinent questions to meet your client’s needs. Covert Result’s Investigators use traditional methods along with modernized techniques to uncover the truth. The comprehensive report includes properties, vehicles, family members, associates, criminal history, social media names, addresses, etc.

✔ Comprehensive Check
✔ Criminal History
✔ Pre-Employment Screening
✔ Child & Elder care
✔ Dating
✔ Family
✔ Tenant
✔ Adoption
✔ Estate

CLICK HERE to get started on a background check.


Start a private investigation using the form below. When your agreement is received, we will begin the process and a Covert Results expert will be in touch with you. Rest assured all details will be kept confidential.

Step 1 of 3




SCOPE OF SERVICES: CLIENT retains AGENCY to conduct an investigation related to the matter at hand. CLIENT agrees to pay all fees and costs hereinafter incurred as a result of this investigation. As such, CLIENT agrees that AGENCY is empowered to perform said services for and on behalf of CLIENT, and to do all things necessary, appropriate, or advisable in performing said services for and in the best interests of CLIENT. The parties hereby agree that the following investigative services have been requested by CLIENT and will be provided by AGENCY in a time and manner to be at the sole discretion of the AGENCY.


  • Complimentary confidential consultation is at no cost to the client.
  • Standard Investigations will be billed at one-hundred ($100) dollars per hour for one licensed and experienced private investigator.
  • Simple search utilizing our database will be billed at fifty dollars ($50) per search.
  • Comprehensive Background Searches will be billed at one-hundred fifty dollars ($150) per search.
  • *Flat rate searches will be billed and invoice must be paid prior to results being released*
  • Extensive Background Search will be customized and billed on the needs of each client.
  • Standard surveillance Investigations will be billed at One Hundred and Fifty dollars ($150) per hour for two (2) licensed surveillance investigators. Additional investigators will be billed at Seventy-Five dollars ($75) per hour. Minimum team size for physical surveillance is two (2), and Covert Results has authority to add investigators based on the operation. There will be an industry standard five (5) hour minimum for each requested day of surveillance.
  • Every investigation is going to be different based on CLIENT needs. Based on the findings of the investigation, CLIENT will receive a summary report, any pictures and/or video surveillance, along with an investigative recommendation and follow-up consultation.
  • These services include but are not limited to: surveillance operations (five (5) hour minimum), Interviews, Inquiries, Background, Computer Database Research, Report Writing, Tracking, Criminal/Civil cases, Trial Prep, and CLIENT conferences.
  • Remote Camera Surveillance will be billed at two thousand dollars ($2,000) for twenty (20) investigative hours where up to two high definition cameras with remote transmission capability are deployed on/at the target location or desired area. After the collection period, which may be weeks, the camera(s) will be recovered and data reviewed. All data will be stored and pertinent data placed in the client’s digital case file. Remote camera surveillance cases can be customized per the client’s request.
  • Same Day Service will be billed at Two hundred and Fifty dollars ($250) per hour for two (2) licensed surveillance investigators. Additional investigators will be billed at One Hundred dollars ($100) per hour. Minimum team size for physical surveillance is two (2), and Covert Results has authority to add investigators based on the operation. There will be an industry standard five (5) hour minimum for each requested day of surveillance. Rates can be negotiable based on the case or operation.
  • Stand-by basis will be billed at Five hundred dollars ($500) per day, per investigator. If client demands results that require investigators to be on “stand-by” for immediate action, and Holiday cases (Federal and State recognized) will be billed at Two hundred dollars ($200) per hour for two (2) licensed surveillance investigators.
  • AGENCY will forward CLIENT statements and/or invoices listing, in detail, any and all additional expenses incurred in the investigation.
  • CLIENT may need the AGENCY to be on a “stand-by” basis, the CLIENT shall be charged a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day, per investigator.
  • CLIENT agrees to compensate the AGENCY at the agreed upon rates for any court appearances or depositions prior to or subsequent to the completion of the investigation, whether under order of subpoena or not and regardless of the party requesting the appearance. The fee will be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per hour per investigator. Any appearance over five (5) hours will incur a flat fee of $700 per investigator per day. All courtroom and deposition fees are due in advance. A deposit for the amount must be received 7 days prior to scheduling the investigator(s) for court or deposition. AGENCY shall not be responsible for court delays or cancellations. Forty-eight (48) hours’ notice is required in the event of any cancellation; otherwise CLIENT account will be invoiced for each investigator for each day or portion scheduled. The fee for expert witness will be two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per hour, per investigator.

DEPOSIT: CLIENT shall place an initial deposit in the possession of the AGENCY to serve as an initial deposit to commence investigation after receipt of funds. Should the deposit be insufficient, CLIENT agrees to promptly pay the AGENCY the additional amount in full upon receipt of an invoice. Should deposited funds be exhausted and additional investigative services be needed, they will be requested and approved by CLIENT. CLIENT understands that while we strive to adhere to this, new evidence / witnesses / investigative avenues / services may require reevaluation of the initial quote. Any necessary changes will be promptly communicated to the CLIENT. CLIENT understands and agrees that a monthly interest charge of 10% will be applied to any unpaid balance over 30 days past due. AGENCY will notify CLIENT before the deposit is exhausted. AGENCY will seize from any further investigation once the deposit has been depleted. CLIENT shall promptly pay the AGENCY any additional funds the AGENCY deems necessary to continue the investigation at CLIENT’s request. AGENCY agrees not to exceed the authorized budget and deposit without CLIENT authorization, unless the additional expenses were incurred in the process of following the subject and/or obtaining information critical to the purpose of this investigation.

USE OF ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS: CLIENT understands that some investigations may require the use of one or more additional investigators to provide adequate investigative services. CLIENT agrees that AGENCY, at AGENCY’S sole discretion, may engage in one of more additional investigator(s) at the agreed upon rate.

EXPENSES: CLIENT recognizes that AGENCY will likely incur expenses directly associated with conducting said investigation. As such, CLIENT shall be responsible for all reasonable expenses, including, but not limited to mileage ($0.655 per mile), tolls, parking, overnight accommodations, admission fees, videotapes, CD’s, DVD’s, photographic film and processing, public/private transportation, confidential source fees, engaging additional investigators, and/or any unforeseen expenses necessary to acquire information as requested by CLIENT. Need for out of State travel whether same day or overnight shall be communicated to AGENCY by CLIENT and applicable mileage rates and/or overnight accommodations shall be agreed upon prior to commencement of services when possible. Unexpected out of State surveillance will be communicated to CLIENT as soon as possible during active surveillance operations.

CANCELLATION: CLIENT must provide AGENCY with a minimum twenty-four (24) hour notice in case of any cancellation of scheduled activity or a (2) two-hour minimum charge will be imposed. Any cancellation made after the commencement of the investigation; AGENCY will retain monies for all billable hours.

  • CLIENT further agrees that the following provisions shall also apply to all fees due from CLIENT under this agreement:
  • In the event that no deposit is collected, then the services provided will be billed by invoice and due upon receipt of said invoice. CLIENT forfeits all rights to reports, evidence, photographs, video, information and other related items if invoices are not paid within terms.
  • All outstanding fees are due immediately at the completion of this assignment, or upon either the CLIENT or AGENCY’s determination that no further action can be taken to complete this assignment.
  • On all assignments, which are expected to last longer than 7 days, that portion of the work that has been completed will be billed weekly and payment will be due upon receipt of the invoice.

CLIENT INTERFERENCE: CLIENT agrees not to interfere in any manner whatsoever, or instruct or cause anyone else to interfere, directly or indirectly, while AGENCY is in the course of this investigation or the AGENCY may terminate all activity.

CLIENT also understands that proper means of communication with AGENCY is necessary to accomplish his/her goals. CLIENT agrees to communicate directly in person and/or by phone with his/her assigned investigator and failure to do so shall result in the termination of services and forfeiture of CLIENT’s deposit. This decision is at the sole discretion of AGENCY.

DISCLAIMER: CLIENT expressly acknowledges that AGENCY’S fees for services are NOT contingent on the outcome or results of the above referenced investigation. AGENCY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE RESULTS OF THIS INVESTIGATION. No illegal or unethical services will be knowingly provided by AGENCY and CLIENT certifies that he/she/it is not knowingly requesting any illegal services. AGENCY reserves the right to decline or terminate without advance notice any assignment it deems to be illegal or unethical or in AGENCY’s sole opinion detrimental to AGENCY. AGENCY will perform services in compliance with all state and federal laws, regulations and best practices.



REPORTS: AGENCY will generate a written report of the investigation in a timely manner at the completion of the investigation given the CLIENT’s account is not in arrears. Every reasonable effort will be made to insure that the quality of the information will be accurate. However, AGENCY is not responsible for information contained within database reports which AGENCY has no control over the content. Reports may also include photographs, audio, and/or video. CLIENT understands that surveillance video and pictures are by their nature NOT television studio-type productions and are often taken from long distance, or other factors where the quality can vary. AGENCY will proceed with due diligence to obtain quality video and/or pictures given the circumstances, without placing the investigator in any physical harm, unsafe position, or violating privacy statues. Therefore, CLIENT understands that AGENCY fees are not contingent upon the acquisition of any photos or video. Original evidence will not be released to the CLIENT and will be kept by the AGENCY until such time as required to be surrendered in court as evidence. Copies for the purpose of the CLIENT’s review will be made at the CLIENT’s request and expense. Original notes or documents considered “work product” will not be released and remain the property of AGENCY. Only the written final report is released to the CLIENT. AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WITHHOLD ANY AND ALL REPORTS AND/OR EVIDENCE PENDING PAYMENT IN FULL AND BANK CLEARANCE THEREOF. EVIDENCE GATHERED FROM THE CASE CAN BE HELD UP TO THREE (3) YEARS.

RESPONSIBLE USE OF INFORMATION: AGENCY is NOT a consumer reporting AGENCY. AGENCY promotes the responsible use of the information that it provides and reserves the right to withhold information for which AGENCY deems is outside the scope of a permissible purpose or otherwise defined by state and federal law and/or regulation. “Confidential Information” shall not include such information that is or becomes part of the public domain through no action of AGENCY. AGENCY owner and/or employees shall be held blameless for the discussion, publication, or public review of case information following adjudication, including but not limited to, podcasts, interviews, literary and/or media publications of all kinds. The CLIENT is responsible to safeguard the information provided from unauthorized third-party disclosure as defined by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. It is incumbent upon the CLIENT and their representatives to be fully knowledgeable about such laws and regulations and/or seek legal counsel prior to dissemination of reported information. Furthermore, the CLIENT affirms the information requested and/or learned during the investigation is not to be used for harassment, stalking, intimidation, threatening or any other illegal purpose(s).

CLIENT MISREPRESENTATION: CLIENT attests that he/she has not misrepresented himself, his company, organization or purpose for requesting the services that AGENCY provides. CLIENT understands that misrepresentation in this agreement, in AGENCY’s sole opinion, may result in civil and criminal action against the CLIENT and/or his organization as well as any and all monies paid to be forfeited. AGENCY reserves the right to refuse service to the CLIENT for any issue of security, safety, unlawful, unethical or immoral reasons. CLIENT further represents that the information provided by the AGENCY shall be used in a lawful manner and that said information will not be used to cause any physical or emotional harm upon the subject of the investigation. CLIENT agrees to and shall indemnify and save harmless the AGENCY, it’s employees and agent(s) from damages, losses, cost and expenses, including any attorney or legal fees, suffered/incurred in connection with or arising out of claims based on investigative results provided to CLIENT. This also includes any civil or criminal actions, claims, third party claims, lawsuits, disciplinary actions, or any losses alleged to be caused by the AGENCY resulting from any activity performed by either CLIENT or AGENCY, except for illegal acts or negligence on the part of the AGENCY, investigators and/or its employees.

CONFIDENTIALITY: All investigative findings furnished to CLIENT are exclusively for CLIENT’S own use. CLIENT agrees to restrict the dissemination of said findings ONLY to third parties who have a legitimate need to know, and/or authorized by law. CLIENT will hold AGENCY harmless from damages, losses, cost or expenses, including attorney fees, suffered or incurred in connection with arising out of claims based on investigative findings provided to CLIENT, and for which CLIENT fails to keep strictly confidential. AGENCY will keep findings strictly confidential and will not disseminate or release any findings to third parties unless authorized IN WRITING by the CLIENT, or court ordered.

CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION: By CLIENT providing AGENCY with CLIENT’s credit card information, AGENCY is authorized to charge said credit card as AGENCY may deem necessary to pay off any outstanding balances, additional requested services by CLIENT, court appearances, or any appearance requested by any party associated with this investigation. CLIENT further acknowledges that AGENCY fees are based on information, whether negative or positive to CLIENT’s case, along with accrued time and expenses. AGENCY shall be entitled to all invoiced fees regardless of the value of the information developed by AGENCY. CLIENT waives any right to dispute or “chargeback” on any credit card charges made by AGENCY that can be justified with an invoice. CLIENT understands that any dispute of charges can and will be resolved in small claims court and not through the credit card company for the card provided to AGENCY. CLIENT will be charged a 3% processing fee if a credit card is used for payment.

GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee CLIENT hereby agrees that in the event of any litigation regarding fees owed to AGENCY, that jurisdiction and venue shall be in Davidson County, Tennessee. This being the entire Agreement of both parties is expressed in this document and no verbal understandings, agreements or other documents shall alter, modify or change the terms of this contract. As to terminology context in this agreement, singular shall mean plural and vice versa. Terms used in the male gender serve as function words and do not denote a specific gender but the CLIENT as an individual or entity. CLIENT has had the opportunity to read this Agreement in full and the option to have it reviewed by an attorney.

By signing this Agreement, I as CLIENT hereby personally certify and affirm that the information supplied above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge at this time. I further represent and affirm that I am authorized to order this investigation and financially contract for this assignment. By signing below, I affirm that there is no restraining order or protection order against me (CLIENT) for this individual, and that there has never been a charge of stalking or aggravated stalking against me (CLIENT).

A signed copy or a signed facsimile of this investigative agreement will be valid as an original.

Consumer Disclosure Regarding Conducting Business Electronically, Signing Documents Electronically, and Receiving Electronic Notices and Disclosures

Please read the information below, carefully, as it concerns your rights. eSignatures are an efficient way to execute an agreement with the same legal force and effect of a handwritten or “wet ink” signature. By signing this document you are agreeing that you have reviewed this Consumer Disclosure and consent and intend to transact business electronically; to use electronic signatures instead of wet ink signatures and paper documents, and to receive notices and disclosures electronically.

You are not required to sign documents electronically or to receive notices and disclosures electronically. If you prefer not to transact business electronically, you may request paper copies from the “sending party” and withdraw your consent at any time, as described below.

Scope of Consent:  By utilizing this Service, you agree to receive electronic signature documents with all related and identified documents, notices, and disclosures provided during your relationship with the “sending party.” You may withdraw your consent, at any time, by following the procedures outlined below.

Paper Copies: You are not required to sign documents electronically, or receive notices or disclosures electronically, and may request paper copies of documents or disclosures, if you prefer. You also have the ability to download and print any signed or unsigned documents sent to you through the electronic signature service. We may also email you a copy of all documents you sign using the electronic signature service. If you wish to receive paper copies instead of electronic documents you may close this web browser and request paper copies from the “sending party” by following the procedures outlined below. The “sending party” may apply a charge for additional expenses incurred by printing and mailing paper copies.

Withdrawal of Consent: You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic documents, notices or disclosures at any time. In order to withdraw consent you must notify the “sending party” that you wish to withdraw your consent to transact business electronically and to provide your future documents, notices, and disclosures in paper format. If at any time, after withdrawing your consent you choose to use our electronic signature system your use of this Service will, once again, evidence your consent to receive documents, notices, and disclosures, electronically. You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic notices and disclosures or execute an electronic signature by following the procedures described below.

Withdrawing your consent, requesting a paper copy, or updating your contact information:  You always have the ability to download and print any documents sent to you through our electronic signature system. To withdraw your consent to conduct business electronically, sign documents electronically, and receive documents, notices, or disclosures electronically, please contact the “sending party” directly; by telephone, by email (sent to the “sending party” with any of the topics outlined below stated in the subject line of your email) or by postal mail to their mailing address specified to receive such notices. “Withdrawal of Consent To Transact Business Electronically” To allow the “sending party” to identify and facilitate your withdrawal of consent to transact business electronically, please provide your name, email address, the date on which you are withdrawing your consent, your telephone number and mailing address. “Requesting A Paper Copy” To allow the “sending party” to identify you to provide a paper copy of the document requiring your signature, the notice, or disclosure, please provide the sending party with your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, and name of the document of which you are requesting a paper copy. “Update Your Contact Information” To allow the “sending party” to identify you in order to update your contact information, please provide them with your name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number. The “sending party” will inform you of any fees related to costs for printing and mailing paper copies or your withdrawal consent to transact business electronically.