Private Investigators can assist attorney’s on more than just the investigation portion of a case. Covert Results investigators are trained to assist the attorney in as many ways as possible. Each of our investigators will conduct interviews, review discovery, and even request subpoenas. Many investigators don’t know that we can request and serve subpoenas.

 Our investigators will request and serve subpoenas for attorney’s on General Sessions cases that are in need of information that may be fleeting. Examples would include camera footage, receipt or transaction history, etc. According to Rules 11 and 28 of the Davidson County Courts of Records Local Rules, a subpoena can be obtained from the Clerk’s office as long as it is done within the appropriate time frame. These subpoena requests can be done at the clerk’s office or done via their E-Filing system. Subpoena retrieval has been a useful tool for Covert Results in a number of our cases. This act can be the difference in a case being dismissed or going to trial. Here are a few examples where a subpoena was able to get a case dismissed.

Covert Results investigators assisted a gentleman who was accused of assault by three other men. The attorney contacted us to obtain video surveillance of the area since the incident occured in downtown Nashville. Investigators were able to serve about five subpoenas to the area. One of the subpoenas turned out to be for a Karaoke Bar who had full video footage of the alleged incident. The video showed our client being jumped by the victims and having to fight for his life which was nothing like the alleged victims had described. This evidence was able to be presented to the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) and charges were able to be dismissed. 

Another General Sessions case Covert Results investigators were also able to help a client charged with robbery. The alleged robbery was said to have occured in downtown Nashville late at night. Covert Results investigators took to the streets of Nashville to figure out what happened. We were able to obtain approximately fifteen (15) subpoenas to try and retrieve camera footage of our client and/or the alleged robbery. 

After serving all subpoenas we received calls from a Church and the Federal Courthouse who both had full video of the incident. After obtaining and reviewing the footage, investigators were also able to interview potential witnesses and speak with police on what was happening during the video. Additionally, investigators were able to review the 911 calls made from the alleged victims to hear exactly what claims they had made. All of this information was documented and put into a case report that would be presented to the ADA.

Covert Results, along with the Defense Counsel, met with the Assistant District Attorney to review the findings of the investigator. Soon after, we prepared the attorney for a hearing with the Assistant District Attorney. Through this hearing the ADA determined robbery was not an appropriate charge and based on the findings, the charges were dismissed. The hard work put in by Covert Results investigators can make all the difference. Filing to get a subpoena may seem like a small task but it can make all the difference. If you’re needing a Private Investigator to go the extra mile, call Covert Results. 

Covert Results is a private investigations and security company with over 100 years of experience. Our team of highly trained investigators and security experts are well versed in all types of investigations and security matters. For questions about private investigations, professional security, handgun training, or consulting please email, call, or visit our website.   615-861-1680