A good investigation comes from all angles. Your investigator should be able to take on your case in any way you need. Being versatile for our clients is what makes Covert Results stand out against our competitors. Surveillance is an aspect of investigations, that we at Covert Results have years of experience conducting and continue to perfect. We have been expanding our range of surveillance from land, to air, and now to sea. 

The classic version of surveillance is putting boots to the ground and making sure we can keep a visual on our target. However, physical surveillance can run up a very large bill for our clients. The professionals here at Covert Results have taken the time to develop covert cameras that can be placed on property for constant surveillance. This allows our clients to receive the continuous surveillance they’re looking for.

There are also times where we need to survey a scene but an aerial view is necessary. Covert Results has the ability to use drones in our investigative work. We have been able to assess crime scenes and property layouts to better get a full comprehensive understanding of our clients case. Also, being a professional security company, utilization of drones is useful in assessing our security venue. Covert Results can take pictures and videos to be able to familiarize ourselves with every inch of a security site or venue.

The newest addition to Covert Results’ range of surveillance options has moved to the water. Recently, we have been given the option to take to the lake and conduct surveillance. Investigators took the boat out to conduct surveillance on a cheating spouse. We were able to take pictures and videos while on the water to provide intel to our client. If you or someone you know is in need of professionals to conduct surveillance by land, air, or sea, Covert Results has you covered. We’re always looking for excuses to take the boat out on a random Tuesday! 

Covert Results is a private investigations and armed security company with years of experience. Our team is a group of highly trained individuals who are well versed in all types of investigation matters. We now have a new dedicated office in Clarksville, located with Patton and Pittman, 101 N. Third Street, Clarksville, TN 37040. Covert Results is available to advise on how we could help your case, give pricing for the type of work you’re looking for, and even answer questions on how you could become a trained armed security officer. If you or your attorney find yourself asking about private investigations, professional armed security, or handgun training, please email, call, or visit our website.

contact@covertresults.com  615-861-1680 Covertresults.com

Private Investigations. Professional Security. Proven Results!