It is that time of year again, when shoppers and shoplifters converge on our retail outlets looking for that all-important deal or steal. It’s also a critical time to ensure that your security plans are up to date, and ready to tackle the upcoming holidays. Covert Results has done the research and has found the new shoplifting craze among teens called a Smash and Grab. This is no joke! And these criminals are showing up in numbers and committing violent acts. 

A ‘Smash and Grab’ is a crime in which the perpetrators in a group will smash the windows of a store and grab any and all merchandise as possible. Recently these crimes have resulted in physical altercations with employees. The Los Angeles Times reported an employee was sprayed with a chemical agent while other employees were pushed to the ground and the robbers fled. 

When we consider this type of crime we usually consider open jewelry stores but the victim pool has increased. There are a few tips to be able to better prepare your business to keep from being a victim of a ‘Smash and Grab’ robbery. The best place to start is to ensure your front windows and doors are clear from obstruction. This is so your employees can see potential suspicious persons outside. 

Another way to protect your business is to consider installing burglary-resistant glass for your showcase sides, fronts and tops. This material will slow down an attack and since robbers want to be in and out as fast as possible, it may even prevent them from ever accessing your merchandise. At Covert Results we have tested products, such as a clear bullet-proof film that is literally…bulletproof.

The option of hiring an armed security officer would also benefit by keeping a secure deterrent for any potential crime. Covert Results has been able to protect many businesses in the Nashville and surrounding areas by providing threat assessments as well as provide armed and highly trained security officers. Our uniformed and armed officers have been able to provide a presence and be a deterrent from any potential threats. Our undercover officer could be deployed to blend into a high profile event or environment where the need for conceal carry is important. If you believe your business may be in danger please give Covert Results a call for a quote on armed officers or a security assessment. 

Covert Results is a private investigations and security company with over 100 years of experience. Our team of highly trained investigators and security experts are well versed in all types of investigations and security matters. For questions about private investigations, professional security, handgun training, or consulting please email, call, or visit our website.   615-861-1680