Protect Your Digital Footprint

Are people still masking up and running into a bank with a gun demanding money? The FBI leads the investigations on bank robberies and they have been tracking this crime since the 1930’s. Early data was based only on voluntary reports from police chiefs and high ranking officials of large cities. In 1948 there were only 53 bank robberies that were reported. Better data and higher reporting started about 1970 when the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports reported just over 2,000. The number of US bank robberies peaked in 1991 when over 9,000 were committed.

2023-04-19T14:47:58+00:00April 19th, 2023|Cybersecurity|

How To Prevent Spear Phishing

Spear Phishing is a type of phishing attack that targets people through malicious emails. It is more of an attack on a specific person as opposed to regular phishing emails that seem to be less sophisticated and more of a broad net. This typically targets high net-worth individuals, companies, and organizations – where a group of hackers constantly attempt to gain access to their networks and important information.

2023-01-25T16:00:00+00:00January 25th, 2023|Cybersecurity|
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