Covert Results is full of talent and we would like to remind our law firm partners what we are capable of, by providing this non-exclusive list of tasks that one of our experienced investigators could assist you and your firm with.
Find a current or former address, phone number, or vehicle for a witness
Locate, retrieve, and analyze local, state, & federal cases (civil or criminal)
Research property holdings, liens, and owners
Discovery review
Conduct interviews at homes, businesses, or even in jail
Search for hidden assets
Perform discreet (covert) intelligence gathering
Follow someone and photograph or video the individual
Give expert advice on complex investigations
Obtain & Execute Subpoenas
Testify in Court
Complete detailed reports
Last, but certainly the most important, is to make you look good !
Hire Covert Results to work efficiently in gathering detailed files to assist you in preparing for your case. Our staff attorney will assist in drafting motions, orders, or other relevant documents at your request. From the moment your client retains you, to the date of the court hearing, we will investigate the matter to ensure you have the questions needed to adequately represent your client. Let Covert Results do your research, leaving you more time for your client.
The team at Covert Results have thousands of hours of training and decades of experience. For more information please contact an experienced professional at 615-861-1680,, or visit our website
Private Investigations, Professional Security, Proven Results!