Human Trafficking is a modern problem with achient roots. For centuries, people have been coercing innocent young people to engage in sexual acts. Sex traffickers and predators use force, fraud or coercion to control and manipulate their victims. These instances are a sad reality for many victims. This is the same story of what happened when former Metro Nashville Detective, Jason Mayo, worked to combat human trafficking.
Jason shared with us a story of two females who trafficked a young girl. The victim first spoke with police as she was being treated in the hospital. She advised the officers and detectives two females had brought her from Clarksville down to Nashville to perform prostituion acts. The victim was forced into an undisclosed locations where she was to perform sexual acts on various unknown men. The victim was then paid $50 which she was forced to give to the two trafficking females.
The trafficking females would threaten the victim with bodily harm if she did not earn enough money or tried to run away. One of the trafficking females had a knife and a taser that she would threaten the victim with while forcing her to engage in prostiution acts.
Detectives were able to identify the two trafficking females and conduct an interview. Within this interview the two females admitted to forcing the victim to engage in prostitution acts. They further admitted to having a knife and taser which was consistent with the victimβs disclosure. This interview and its contents were given over to the ADA which then resulted in charges being brought against the two females for Trafficking for a Commercial Sex Act.
These stories have become more prevalent over the past few years. Sex trafficking can occur at any age. These horrifying realities are why Covert Results has partnered with Operation Rose. Covert Results has planned to combat human trafficking by deploying private detectives to investigate tips that may come through Operation Rose. This work will be able to help our police force put a stop to the human trafficking that is happening all around us.
Covert Results is a private investigations and security company with over 100 years of experience. Our team of highly trained investigators and security experts are well versed in all types of investigations and security matters. If you would like to get involved with Operation Rose and their fight against human trafficking, please let us know! We now have two dedicated offices, in Nashville, Tennessee and Clarksville, Tennessee. For questions about private investigations, professional security, handgun training, consulting or Operation Rose please email, call, or visit our website. 615-861-1680