Have you ever tried to follow someone while driving? How about following someone in Downtown Nashville traffic especially if you do not want that someone to know you are following them? Sounds pretty complicated, because it is. This is why the experts at Covert Results require more than one investigator to conduct physical surveillance. Even the most talented of investigators have trouble running a surveillance operation alone.

Clients will shop around and that is their right. But, do your research before selecting a private investigations company to meet your needs and get the job done. Recently we were the second private investigations company hired by a client who needed the cheating spouse followed. The first company charged $500 for 5 hours of surveillance coverage. According to the client, the private investigations firm was briefed that the spouse would meet a paramour for dinner then they would leave together to possibly go to a hotel. Well, when the surveillance commenced the PI firm sent just one investigator, one! 

Within minutes of the operation the target was lost and the surveillance was over. The (one) investigator spent another hour explaining to the client that they were alone and the target pulled out of the parking lot too quickly. Preparation and planning is key to any operation, especially if it comes to mobile surveillance. If a client is paying for 5 hours of service, then they expect to be paying for results.

Just today an article hit the news where a private investigator was made or burned by their target and then began conducting counter surveillance on the private investigator. This is where the story takes a fast turn and nearly costs someone their life! The intended target of the surveillance, a cheating spouse case, ended up blocking the private investigator in their car, approaching with a brandished handgun demanding why he was being followed. Guess what? Yep, that private investigator was all alone too! 

Covert Results investigators utilize more than one investigator to cover more ground to better assist your case. Utilizing two or more investigators can increase the likelihood of getting your desired results. There is less of a chance the target will be lost meaning you are more likely to get your full money’s worth on your case. Surveillance is an art that an investigator masters from years of experience through trial and error. Surveillance may sound simple, but it can be even more complicated when done alone. 

Covert Results is a private investigations and security company with over 100 years of experience. Our team of highly trained investigators and security experts are well versed in all types of investigations and security matters. For questions about private investigations, professional security, handgun training, or consulting please email, call, or visit our website.


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