Spring Break 2023 is upon us and everyone is flocking to warmer weather to catch some sun and a much needed break. At Covert Results we have compiled a list of the top 9 tips to keep you and your family safe while traveling on spring break vacation this year. Many seem basic and “no brainers” but sometimes it’s the common sense stuff that goes out the window when we are trying to have fun. 

  1. Be aware of your surroundings: Always be aware of your surroundings and be alert for any potential threats. Keep an eye out for suspicious individuals or activities, and report any concerns to the authorities. Pay attention to global travel warnings. 

  2. Stay in well-lit areas: If you are out at night, stay in well-lit areas and avoid dark alleys or poorly lit streets. Criminals are less likely to attack someone in a well-lit area.

  3. Carry pepper spray or a self-defense weapon: If you are legally allowed to carry a weapon for self-defense, make sure you are trained to use it properly. Alternatively, carry a non-lethal weapon like pepper spray or a stun gun. Always “know before you go” and check local, state, and federal laws. 

  4. Don’t advertise valuables: Avoid displaying expensive jewelry or electronics in public, as this can attract the attention of thieves.

  5. Don’t advertise that you are on an extended vacation; hundreds of miles away from home where you can do nothing if someone was to break into your home. Wait until you have landed back at BNA to post all those beautiful pictures. 

  6. Keep your phone charged: Make sure your phone is fully charged and keep it with you at all times. In case of an emergency, you can quickly call for help.

  7. Stay in groups: It is always safer to travel in groups, especially at night or in unfamiliar areas. Make sure you have a designated meeting place and time if you get separated.

  8. Follow local laws and regulations: Be aware of local laws and regulations, especially regarding weapons and self-defense. Don’t carry a weapon if it is illegal or if you are not licensed to do so. There good be hundreds of other laws as well such as crossing the street or odd driving laws; just know before you go! 

  9. Trust your instincts: If something feels wrong, trust your instincts and get out of the situation. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

If you and your family are headed out of town on a fun spring break vacation, but you feel uneasy about leaving your valuables at home alone, give Covert Results a call and we can guide you to the best plan of action to keep your important items safe and sound. 

Covert Results is the premier private investigations, armed security, cyber security, and training company you’ve been searching for. Our team of highly skilled experts has amassed over 100 years of experience in all fields, from investigations to security concerns. Being a member and working within a global network called The Entrepreneurs Organization allows us to provide excellent service anywhere on Earth – truly bringing peace of mind through our world class services! Be sure to follow @CovertResults across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for the latest information regarding investigator expertise as well as lighthearted moments shared by our community! If you need us to guide you to that peace of mind you are looking for, call or text 615-861-1680 or email contact@covertresults.com.