Private Investigators have to be prepared for all aspects of their case. We have to take the time to immerse ourselves in the facts of a case to ensure the best possible outcome. Each case will require different needs from our Investigators. Covert Results takes the time to know our role within a case. We stay well versed in the requirements of each case to push forward into the needs of the client. Our Investigators have determined their role in a case in a number of ways.

 Covert Results Investigators have worked all different types of cases. Our role in a case is always based on the facts and the needs of the client. There have been times when clients need GPS tracking systems attached to cars. Our role as investigators is to make sure we blend into our surrounding to attach said tracker. If the target is out at a golf course, we would bring a golf bag with clubs with us. Should the surveillance need to take place on the lake, we would need to have a boat available. Cases can also deal with sensitive information. In the event we have assault victims we are sure to have a female present to ensure that person is comfortable in their interview. 

Covert Results has ten licensed Investigators with diverse backgrounds. We have been able to work an array of civil and criminal cases. Each Investigator has the ability to use their background to bring a new edge to every case. Investigators with LEO backgrounds can call out clients when they lie. Being able to acknowledge that in clients or witnesses can urge those people to move towards the truth. This will help our Investigators do a better job not only for the attorney but ultimately for the client. 

Working cases to the best of our ability is what Covert Results strives to do. Each Investigator we hire has something different to bring to the table to better move cases forward. Covert Results Investigators are in the business of making sure we take great care of our clients, With over 100 combined years of experience in Private Investigations and Professional Security, we know what we’re talking about.

Covert Results is a private investigations and armed security company with years of experience. Our team is a group of highly trained individuals who are well versed in all types of investigation matters. We now have a new dedicated office in Clarksville, located with Patton and Pittman, 101 N. Third Street, Clarksville, TN 37040. Covert Results is available to advise on how we could help your case, give pricing for the type of work you’re looking for, and even answer questions on how you could become a trained armed security officer. If you or your attorney find yourself asking about private investigations, professional armed security, or handgun training, please email, call, or visit our website.  615-861-1680

Private Investigations. Professional Security. Proven Results!