Why Choose Covert Results? The Trusted Choice for Security and Investigations

When it comes to your security, peace of mind, and critical investigations, you [...]

The Importance of Running Intelligence for School and Church Security

The Importance of Running Intelligence for School and Church Security Hey ther [...]

The Essential Guide to Firearm Training for School and Church Staff: Preparation and Safety

Hey there, welcome back to our website! It's great to see you here again—almost like you're that friend who never leaves and always hogs the remote. But instead of arguing over what to watch, we’re here to talk about something way more important: firearm training for your school and church staff. In our last blog, we covered the top 5 tips for hiring security for schools. Now, let's delve deeper into a crucial aspect of that security: firearm training. Whether you’re part of a private school or a church, being prepared for the worst can make all the difference. 

2024-06-19T19:15:54+00:00June 14th, 2024|Armed Security, Nashville, School Security, Security|
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