Interning for Covert Results

As a kid, I had many different ideas of what I wanted to do when I grew up. Going through college, I discovered that I am interested in intelligence and security, but had no idea where to start. My name is Abbie, I will be a senior at the University of Mississippi, and this summer, I am interning with Covert Results. After searching for a Nashville security internship on Google, I found Covert Results and was immediately intrigued to learn about private investigation. I had heard about it before and was interested in the field, but I never fully understood just how much private investigators do. Today is only my third official day and I have already learned and experienced so much.

2020-06-05T18:06:40+00:00June 5th, 2020|Internship, Private Investigator, Training|

Importance of Armed Security

Armed security is more efficient than other conventional means of surveillance and protection. Private security guards do a job that is basic to the protection of our safety. However, crime has increasingly improved its means and methods of attacking targets beyond essential camera deterrence. Thus, armed security has become increasingly relevant. Covert Results has the necessary tools and training to handle armed security.

2020-05-29T18:19:23+00:00May 29th, 2020|Event Security, Security, Training|

Better Background Checks

Things are starting to open back up. There will be new jobs, new opportunities and a chance for the economy to start to build back. New faces will start to appear in response to your job postings. The process for these applications will need to begin by assessing qualifications and seeing what type of person is in your office. Background checks should be done every time a new hire is considered. But, how are your background checks being  administered? What information is truly being gathered by your system in place? Many people don’t put references down that would speak poorly of them, and former employers can only verify employment. What information is truly being gathered? Covert Results has done the research and has firsthand experience on how to administer a quality background check.

Inside Job

I convinced him we knew he stole the money from the safe and even encouraged him to come to the precinct for an interview. After notifying precinct detectives, we drove to the precinct. The detectives allowed me to sit in on the interview. During the interview I played the “good cop, bad cop” where at one point I was yelling at him and another point I was sympathetic. When I took the; “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” method, one of the detectives didn’t like my style.

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