Navigating the Shadows with Covert Results
Retail Security
It is that time of year again, when shoppers and shoplifters converge on our retail outlets looking for that all-important deal or steal. It’s also a critical time to ensure that your loss prevention plans are in place, up to date, and ready to tackle the upcoming holidays. Covert Results has done the research and been able to do some first-hand work protecting businesses during this holiday season.
Cyber Security
Have you ever been sent a scammer or hacker email? Would you know one if you saw one? Cyberattacks are now so common, recent reports show that hackers attack a computer in the US every 39 seconds! So how do you protect your small business from these types of attacks? Covert Results has done some research and found a few tips to protect your business.
Above and Beyond
Over the last month we have heard our owner Robert Young talk about going above and beyond the call of duty to get the job done. He does this by sharing experiences so it will resonate with the team. There are two specific examples that Robert and the team at Covert Results would like to share. If you are an aspiring business owner or entrepreneur you may want to take note.
How to be a PI
At Covert Results we believe that 78% of the population would like to be a private investigator. There’s something about spying on people and finding the truth that just gets the blood pumping! We can speak from experience and tell you, it’s not for everyone. Does that mean you have to be a 30 year veteran police detective to be a good private investigator...absolutely not. We believe that conducting investigations comes natural and at Covert Results we have strongly vetted our investigators to ensure the client receives the best! If you have ever thought about becoming a private investigator, below is a helpful guide to get going in the right direction. Our CEO will tell you...make sure you do your research!
My “Why” – Covert Results
I remember looking at the team and telling them, “I’m never coming back.” I didn’t know exactly what my plan was, I just knew that the way I had been treated for the last year was unacceptable. I said to myself, “I can be miserable or I can do something about it.” And Covert Results was born. Click this blog to read “Why” Robert Young traded in his badge and gun for entrepreneurship. You would be motivated too!
The Good Line
Do you like true crime? Has this genre taken over your choice in books or podcasts? True crime has become entrenched within the sphere of popular culture. Even as kids, we're drawn to the tension between good and evil, and true crime embodies our fascination with that dynamic. If you’re looking for a novel that plunges you right into the right into the heart of “Good vs. Evil;” The Good Line by Robert Young is the book for you. The Good Line is not recapping a fictional story. Robert truly puts the ‘true’ in true crime by telling a story he lived!
PI Networking
The best way to spread the word about your business is by making connections. Whether you're new to the local community or a veteran company that has been around for decades, your reputation grows as you engage in other influential entities within your community. Covert Results has been around for over two years and has made a number of connections in Davidson and surrounding counties.
Know Your Role
Private Investigators have to be prepared for all aspects of their case. We have to take the time to immerse ourselves in the facts of a case to ensure the best possible outcome. Each case will require different needs from our Investigators. Covert Results takes the time to know our role within a case. We stay well versed in the requirements of each case to push forward into the needs of the client. Our Investigators have determined their role in a case in a number of ways.
Covert Results Communication
Being a successful private investigator, demands that you exhibit particular traits and skills that will prove useful in this particular line of work. Not having these skills will cost you time and possibly business opportunities. The top skills an investigator should possess are: Computer Proficiency, Sound knowledge of the law, Organization, Thoroughness, Patience and Effective Communication. The most important of these being communication. Covert Results has the experience and knowledge to better utilize communication skills throughout any case we are given.
Construction Site Security
Building construction is part of everyone’s life at some point. Whether you’ve built your dream home, waited on your apartment/condo to be done, or are constructing your own multi-million dollar business, you’ve dealt with the same issue, security. Theft on construction sites has been on the rise in recent years. Covert Results has done the research and has the experience in keeping construction sites safe and free from security threats.