Interactive Gun Training is taught by retired undercover Metro Officers with over Twenty-five (25) years of expertise in law enforcement and firearm safety. It is more than the "states powerpoint" and we consistently stress the importance of safety and training. Our training provides education, promotes safety, and can even reduce crime! Just ask us how ???

2020-01-10T19:15:44+00:00January 10th, 2020|Expert, Law Enforcement, Private Investigator, Security|

Art of Surveillance

As the top rated private investigations firm in Tennessee one could imagine, we get all kinds of calls. However, one of the most common requests is for surveillance. A word my sister says she can’t even spell; Sur-veil-lance, is the monitoring of behavior and activities while gathering information or intelligence for the purpose of influencing, managing, or directing. Observations documented by a licensed private investigator can save you a lifetime of headaches. Don’t get BURNED!!! Contact Covert to get proven results!

2019-09-05T16:00:57+00:00September 5th, 2019|Law Enforcement, Private Investigator, Surveillance|

Inside Job

I convinced him we knew he stole the money from the safe and even encouraged him to come to the precinct for an interview. After notifying precinct detectives, we drove to the precinct. The detectives allowed me to sit in on the interview. During the interview I played the “good cop, bad cop” where at one point I was yelling at him and another point I was sympathetic. When I took the; “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” method, one of the detectives didn’t like my style.

Wanna Get Away?

The funniest Southwest commercial that I have seen and my personal favorite begins with the setting of what appears to be a small hotel room where a male voice can be heard being interviewed in the darkness. The narrator says, “you are taking an enormous risk by speaking with us, so thank you.” The silhouette male voice figure says, “Of course.”

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