The Good Line

Do you like true crime? Has this genre taken over your choice in books or podcasts? True crime has become entrenched within the sphere of popular culture. Even as kids, we're drawn to the tension between good and evil, and true crime embodies our fascination with that dynamic. If you’re looking for a novel that plunges you right into the right into the heart of “Good vs. Evil;” The Good Line by Robert Young is the book for you. The Good Line is not recapping a fictional story. Robert truly puts the ‘true’ in true crime by telling a story he lived!

2020-10-23T15:11:52+00:00October 23rd, 2020|Action Packed, Book, True Crime|

Organized Retail Crime Prevention

Organized Retail Crime is at an all time high. Prevention and apprehension can save you and your company millions! From conducting security assessments to deter the criminal element, to consulting on camera systems including facial recognition, and even conducting a full investigation by tracking potential suspects and working parallel with local authorities, Covert Results has you covered. WIth over 100 years of law enforcement and investigative experience combined, we are confident you can trust in our judgement.

2020-07-10T15:12:05+00:00July 10th, 2020|Crime, Organized Retail Crime, Security|

Child Custody Surveillance

Private Investigating in the “domestic” realm is often thought of as “catching the cheater.” However, the more common aspect is after a divorce has happened and parents are battling for custody of their children. Unfortunately, with the high rate of divorce, many individuals find themselves in court negotiating time with their kids. We have seen an increase in these type of cases for Covert Results and we have the experience to investigate these cases so that evidence is legally obtained and can be introduced in court.

2020-06-26T16:25:48+00:00June 26th, 2020|Child Custody, Private Investigator, Surveillance|

Hemp Industry Security

Hemp farms in Tennessee have grown exponentially over the past few years. According to the TN Department of Agriculture there are over 3,000 hemp farms in Tennessee (and a few in neighboring states) as of May 2020. Issues can arise with this type of rise in hemp production. One of these issues can be theft of said hemp plants. Although motion censored lights and cameras can help catch or deter thieves, armed security is better to ensure complete protection. Covert Results has professional armed security officers experienced in guarding hemp production farms.

2020-06-12T17:34:16+00:00June 12th, 2020|Hemp, Hemp Security, Security|

Interning for Covert Results

As a kid, I had many different ideas of what I wanted to do when I grew up. Going through college, I discovered that I am interested in intelligence and security, but had no idea where to start. My name is Abbie, I will be a senior at the University of Mississippi, and this summer, I am interning with Covert Results. After searching for a Nashville security internship on Google, I found Covert Results and was immediately intrigued to learn about private investigation. I had heard about it before and was interested in the field, but I never fully understood just how much private investigators do. Today is only my third official day and I have already learned and experienced so much.

2020-06-05T18:06:40+00:00June 5th, 2020|Internship, Private Investigator, Training|

Importance of Armed Security

Armed security is more efficient than other conventional means of surveillance and protection. Private security guards do a job that is basic to the protection of our safety. However, crime has increasingly improved its means and methods of attacking targets beyond essential camera deterrence. Thus, armed security has become increasingly relevant. Covert Results has the necessary tools and training to handle armed security.

2020-05-29T18:19:23+00:00May 29th, 2020|Event Security, Security, Training|

Virtual Teleconference Safety

With people recently starting to work from home we have seen a spike in cyber teleconference calls and video chats. These are great ways to stay connected to your work team, friends, and family. However, through these outlets you and your company could be subjecting yourself and others to a cyber-attack. There are those that look for unsecure chats and have been inserting explicit video and/or audio in these meetings. Covert Result has done some research to better prevent our clients, team members, and family from falling victim to unsecured video teleconferencing.

2020-04-03T16:13:09+00:00April 3rd, 2020|COVID-19, Private Investigator, Security|

We’re working! Are you?

Many businesses have struggled while trying to come up with a way to be productive through the pandemic.COVID-19 has left many businesses questioning how they’re going to serve customers, keep their employees, pay bills but most importantly how to keep their people safe and healthy. Business that can send everyone home to work still have to worry about productivity levels. Are the employees still getting the same amount of work done from the couch?

2020-03-27T17:54:12+00:00March 27th, 2020|COVID-19, Private Investigator, Security|

Gone Phishing?

The beginning of 2020 has been no joke for our Nashville family. From tornadoes to the Coronavirus, our Tennesseans have been hit with a one-two punch. Although we have been asked to quarantine, Covert Results is urging everyone to still be smart. In this time of need it’s easy to miss things and fall victim to scams. Covert Results has compiled a few scams that have been highlighted in the news, along with our own personal experiences.

2020-03-20T18:04:02+00:00March 20th, 2020|COVID-19, Law Enforcement, Security|

Family Owned Business

What did you want to be when you grew up? We asked everyone at Covert Results and got several different answers, from playing professional baseball with the Atlanta Braves to swimming with dolphins as a Marine biologists. Needless to say, none of the answers included owning and operating a business. It is not all glitz and glamour like some may think. There’s this one thing called expenses, oh and Uncle Sam! Owning a business can be very rewarding though. The owners must surround themselves by strong mentors and team members. For Covert Results, we have done just that!

2020-03-13T17:02:39+00:00March 13th, 2020|Private Investigator, Security, Surveillance|
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